Legends of the Earl's massive schnitzels have been told since the dawn of man, but how does the Earl stack up to its modern day competitors?
Being somewhat of an Earl regular I knew what to expect when I rocked up to the bistro, an open plan eatery with plenty of seating. The Earl always sounds like its fuller than what it is, normally due to the crowd of dudes trash talking over big schnitzels.
Size is the Schnitzel's strong point. The schnitzel sat atop of a decent serving of tasty chips (which were quickly rescued to prevent sweating) and covered a fair portion of the plate
The topping is comprised of cheese, shredded ham and spicy salami along with the standard tomato base. The schnitzel itself was cooked well, not over or under done. In terms of taste the Earl Bulls Bollocks can't be faulted, but compliments don't come gushing either. The salami gave the meal a bit of spice but other than that the Bull Bollocks is your standard parmigiana.
For what it is though, a big schnitzel, the Chicken Bulls Bollocks does the job. Its fills you to the brim with schnitzelly goodness and you won't need breakfast the next day.
Price: $18.50
Rating: 3.5 stars
I'm glad you are there Lodan, to protect the rest of us from these evil fiends. Keep up the good work (ie the more you eat, the less chance I will ever have to!)
By the way, if size is important in a schnitzel, then you really need to eat in a country pub. They are usually double the size of your photos, falling off the plate, and half the price.
Firstly you had a chicken schnitzel and obviously a Liarette. You need it to be beef and BIG!!!! The best around by far, and to Lisa if you think a country pub could posibly do a shnitzel TWICE the size of a BOLLOCKS then good luck!!
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