Decadence, pure decadence. Fancy going to Windy Point Cafe and ordering a schnitzel! Well, they don’t call it a schnitzel, it appears on the menu as “almond & marjoram crumbed beef fillet with greens, mash & lemon butter” and it was washed down with a couple of glasses the finest sparkling. In reality the dish was a schnitzel stack as there were three crumbed, thin pieces of beef stacked on top of each other served with the mash, a rather think stalk of what looked like broccolini and lemon butter. No chips or salad in site. As a side note, we did order a bowl of fries on the side which were needlessly plentiful, cooked well and seasoned sweetly. On first inspection I thought that the lemon butter would make the schnitzel (“crumbed beef fillet”) soggy, but as I took my first bite I was in heaven. The taste explosion in my mouth from the almond and marjoram crumbing was sensational and the beef was pure molten goodness as it just melted delicately and deliciously whilst I masticated gracefully trying to stifle an audible groan of delight. Bonus star! As for the rest of the meal, I was glad that the lemon butter didn’t detract or over power the tastiness of the beef crumbing and mashed potato has always been on my last meal plate so it is hard to get that wrong for me. The green stalk however was far from satisfying or inspiring (half a star off) and was akin to an undressed salad of lettuce leaves and a solitary cherry tomato.
How much for this decadent meal you ask overlooking the fine city of Adelaide from the woody slopes of Belair? $25.50 (1 star off) At least five dollars more then I would have valued the meal at. I guess you are paying a premium for the view (which was excellent sitting next to a floor to ceiling window overlooking Adelaide) and the service (which was glass was never empty).
Summary: The perfect place for a romantic schnitzel dinner.
Price: $25.50
Rating: 4.5 stars
Windy Point Cafe
Windy Point Lookout, Belair Rd, Belair 5052
Is a schnitzel without breadcrumbing really a schnitzel?
I think you have mis-interpreted Lodan, the breadcrumbing is still is just flavoured with wonderful goodness.
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